Hippo Says Excuse Me Hello Genius Selecting

Hippo Says Excuse Me Hello Genius Selecting
Hippo Says Excuse Me Hello Genius Selecting

Usually we think that the chubby aspect of hippos makes them friendly, but a bit more of research shows us that hippos are one of the most aggressive animals in the world. Their weight powerful teeth have given them such a terrible reputation.

It is extremely hard for the young Common Hippos to get adequate nutrition while struggling for food. When they are a few months old they do begin to eat some of the vegetation.

Baby Hippos are well cared for by their mothers and it is common for a young hippo to stay with the mother for many years.

Hippos are herbivores and they consume up to 150 pounds of vegetation each day and such amount is harder to find each day.

How can you become a genius? It’s a matter of retraining yourself to think as a genius would. You can do so by following the above tips. Start to think about the world around you in a different way. Think in metaphors, think in opposites, and, simply, “think” more. If an idea doesn’t come out exactly the way you thought it would, don’t ask yourself why it failed. Ask yourself instead what you accomplished and proved.

The genius can also think in opposites that most of us might not think of. For example, in 1928 Danish physicist Niel Bohr told people light should be imagined as both waves and particles, but not simultaneously.

If you want to think like an inventor does, look at designs as they exist around you and think about how you might change them. Max Planck is the father of quantum theory, and he believed that scientists had to have “a vivid intuitive imagination, for new ideas are not generated by deduction, but by artistically creative imagination.” Einstein as well was clear on the fact that his theories came as a result of “free invention of the imagination.”

Geniuses can also think in metaphors. This is also considered to be a sign of genius. The great philosopher Aristotle thought that if a person could compare two disparate areas of existence and find a relationship between them, that person was indeed gifted.